
Showing posts from 2013


I recently came across this mac application where you can customize your destop with widgets called geeklets. Download it from / This is a partial screenshot of my desktop

Remove Metadata

Yes you install cracked apps in your iPhone but AppStore is asking you to update them but you don't really want to . . . and if the AppStore badges annoy you, here is a way to remove them. Previously when was still there, this function was included in Installous. Unfortunately, this is history. Also - there is an App called MetadataRemovr from but this is for older iOS releases (3.1 - 4.1) and i did not try this. First you need to find the Application code  - for this I use SBsettings / App Folders

Auxo for iPhone

If there is ONE tweak you want your iPhone to be jailbroken, it's Auxo . Absolutely mind blowing . . . this is the way Apple should have created the App-switcher. Read more about Auxo here . So right after Jailbreaking my iPhone 5 i installed Auxo. Nice. I particularly like the toggles: but the colors are all grey and the only difference between ON or OFF is like: Here we see "Bluetooth" off and "Hotspot" off mmmmmm - not straight forward. . . i need colors !!!!