
I recently came across this mac application where you can customize your destop with widgets called geeklets.

Download it from

This is a partial screenshot of my desktop

Drag the Shell icon to your desktop
In the properties, use the following terminal command for the hour:

date '+%H:%M'
font: Helvetica Neue light 150

for the date:
date "+%A,  %B %d - %Y" 
font: Helvetica Neue light 36

and for the calendar: 
just "cal"

or if you like to start on Mondays:

cal | awk '{ print " "$0; getline; print " Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su"; getline; if (substr($0,1,2) == " 1") print " 1 "; do { prevline=$0; if (getline == 0) exit; print " " substr(prevline,4,17) " " substr($0,1,2) " "; } while (1) }'
font: Monaco 18

Cheers !!


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